Please note that we have no control over content hosted on linked sites, but if you do spot anything incorrect or otherwise irksome, please let us know!

School Board Alerts

Date: 12-10-2016
Location: Chicago, IL USA

An app to scrape school board agendas to alert the community of trans related (i.e. trans hostile) items on school board agendas.


Date: 12-10-2016
Location: Chicago, IL USA

Helps generate a list of accounts where names need to fixed after a name change.

Non-binary name generator

Date: 12-10-2016
Location: Chicago, IL USA

Generates non-binary names - inspired by the Trnas*Code Zürich project.


Date: 12-10-2016
Location: Chicago, IL USA

A slack bot which can give trans-related support and advice

Trans-code Game

Date: 12-10-2016
Location: Chicago, IL USA

A browser-based game that illustrates character creation without binary gendered assumptiosn

Trans Friendly Restrooms and Accomodations, etc.

Date: 12-10-2016
Location: Zürich, Switzerland

Non-binary Name Generator

Date: 12-10-2016

Generates non-binary names

Be Chill

Date: 04-23-2016
Location: London, UK

A web app for synchronised music playing between a group of friends in different places.

To Be Real

Date: 04-23-2016
Location: London, UK

A charity website to help people transition, and give supporters cool stuff.

Twilight People

Date: 04-23-2016
Location: London, UK

Stories of faith and gender beyond the binary, with an app (coming soon!) to display the stories on mobile devices.


Date: 04-23-2016
Location: London, UK

Transgender voice training web app.


Date: 04-23-2016
Location: London, UK

A point and click adventure where you try to make the government accept your change of gender.

Trans Clothing Exchange

Date: 04-23-2016
Location: London, UK

An online clothing exchange platform for trans people.

If you have any suggestions or have found the tutorials above useful it would be fantastic to get your feedback. We want to keep this page as a living document.

It's not just programmers that are needed: Creative ideas? Design flair?

Most importantly, Its about having fun and being part of something great.